(short preview of full seamless looping track)

River Birds

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The river water and warm wading areas close to the shore bring in birds from all over the area and even some far flying visitors from foreign lands. The bird chatter brimming here is like a crossroads of culture and conversation found in the worlds most cosmopolitan of cities. perhaps if you listen closely enough you will discover discussion ranging from passerine politics, to the latest celebrity seagull gossip. The distinction between bird s...
The river water and warm wading areas close to the shore bring in birds from all over the area and even some far flying visitors from foreign lands. The bird chatter brimming here is like a crossroads of culture and conversation found in the worlds most cosmopolitan of cities. perhaps if you listen closely enough you will discover discussion ranging from passerine politics, to the latest celebrity seagull gossip. The distinction between bird songs and calls is based upon inflection, length, and context. Songs are longer and more complex and are associated with courtship and mating, while calls tend to serve such functions as alarms or keeping members of a flock in contact. Most song is emitted by male rather than female birds. Song is usually delivered from prominent perches although some species may sing when flying. Some groups are nearly voiceless, producing only percussive and rhythmic sounds, such as the storks, which clatter their bills. This sound uses the following file from Freesound: http://www.freesound.org/samplesViewSingle.php?id=101332


  • Rating: 3.0 Stars with 316 ratings
  • Released: about 7 years ago
  • Size: 4.55 MiB


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