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Rainy Flower Garden

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The spring rains sparkle upon the delicate pedals, producing a glimmering sea of splendid colors that capture the attention so subtly as to be one of the greatest sources of beauty on earth. You stand and watch the world unite in a great river of green and red and purple, slipping so gently into your eyes that you can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction and be calmed. A flower garden is any garden where flowers are grown for decorative pur...
The spring rains sparkle upon the delicate pedals, producing a glimmering sea of splendid colors that capture the attention so subtly as to be one of the greatest sources of beauty on earth. You stand and watch the world unite in a great river of green and red and purple, slipping so gently into your eyes that you can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction and be calmed. A flower garden is any garden where flowers are grown for decorative purposes. Because flowers bloom at varying times of the year, and some plants are annual, dying each winter, the design of flower gardens can take into consideration a sequence of blooming and even of consistent color combinations, through varying seasons. One simpler alternative to the designed flower garden is the "wildflower" seed mix, with assortments of seeds which will create a bed that contains flowers of various blooming seasons, so that some portion of them should always be in bloom. The best mixtures even include combinations of perennial and biennials, which may not bloom until the following year, and also annuals that are "self-seeding", so they will return, creating a permanent flowerbed. Many plants considered decorative flowers today, originated as weeds, which if attractive enough would sometimes be tolerated by farmers because of their appeal. This led to an artificial selection process, producing ever-prettier flowers. This sound uses the following file from Freesound: http://www.freesound.org/samplesViewSingle.php?id=120742


  • Rating: 3.5 Stars with 1,376 ratings
  • Released: over 6 years ago
  • Size: 6.28 MiB


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