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Kindergarten Playground

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Rosy cheeked little children run around their kindergarten schoolyard, bursting with energy and excitement, going from scraped knee yelps to triumphant shouts of game-time victory. Shrink yourself down into that lovely, lighthearted person you once were, and embrace again the playful person proudly prancing inside your heart. In most countries kindergarten is part of the preschool system of early childhood education. Children usually attend ki...
Rosy cheeked little children run around their kindergarten schoolyard, bursting with energy and excitement, going from scraped knee yelps to triumphant shouts of game-time victory. Shrink yourself down into that lovely, lighthearted person you once were, and embrace again the playful person proudly prancing inside your heart. In most countries kindergarten is part of the preschool system of early childhood education. Children usually attend kindergarten any time between the ages of two and seven years, depending on the local custom. Many origins are claimed for the first kindergarten. In Scotland in 1816, Robert Owen opened the first infant school. The first kindergarten in the United States was founded in Wisconsin in 1856 and was German-language only. The first English-language kindergarten in America was founded in Boston in 1859. This sound uses the following file from Freesound: http://freesound.org/samplesViewSingle.php?id=98686


  • Rating: 2.5 Stars with 54 ratings
  • Released: about 7 years ago
  • Size: 3.79 MiB


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