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Evening Birdsong

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The setting sun puts into motion a change of pace not only for the ambling human adventurers but the rest of nature as well. Especially the birds, who begin to bellow just a bit more softly and with a moment's more room between whistles and songs. The serenity passed over the land by the day's end contains a stupendous sentiment. One that allows us all to fall under the grace of the stars. Scientists hypothesize that bird song has evolved through sexual selection, and experiments suggest that the quality of bird song may be a good indicator of fitness. Experiments also suggest that parasites and diseases may directly affect song characteristics such as song rate, which thereby act as reliable indicators of health. The song repertoire also appears to indicate fitness in some species. The ability of male birds to hold and advertise territories using song also demonstrates their fitness. The language of the birds has long been a topic for anecdote and speculation. That calls have meanings that are interpreted by their listeners has been well demonstrated. Domestic chickens have distinctive alarm calls for aerial and ground predators, and they respond to these alarm calls appropriately. This sound uses the following file from Freesound: http://www.freesound.org/samplesViewSingle.php?id=116667


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